In yantra yoga, which is the
original name science, which is part of a much larger complete body of
knowledge, we do not make generic interpretations of a name, as it ALL
depends on a person's birth path as identified by the birth date. This
is a case of 'what is one man's food is another man's poison.' See the
same name of ELLISON is perfect for someone with a 2 (11) birth path and
expressing through the 5. While the exact same name would be an
absolute nightmare for someone with a 7 birth path for example. By the
same account, the name ERIN would also be absolutely perfect for someone
with the corresponding birth path such as a 5, while it would be
terrible for someone with a practical birth path.
used to say, there is no one name that is any better than any other,.
nor is there any birth path which is better than any other. He has seen
(he has died since) over his lifetime that problems only come from a
name when it is NOT balanced to the birth path of the person. As soon as
the name is balanced to the right birth path, NONE of the negative
qualities associated with that name manifest! let me repeat this as it
is the crux of the misunderstanding here.The negative qualities
associated with a name, that you read about on the Kabalarian's generic
name analysis ONLY manifest when the name is out of balance. When the
name is in balance, they do not appear at all, instead only the positive
name qualities appear. Refer to the previous email where I sent you a
list of positive and negative qualities.
There are 81 different name combinations to suit the 81 different personality types.
I will tell you what the Kabalarians do. In yantra yoga, we have a rule
when it comes to name construction, which is the ideal balance would be a
name which has the exact number as the birth path in the MIND position
and the exact number in the expression position, that matches the
expression of the person. That would be ideal. Second best would be a 6
name in the MIND or EXPRESSION. The reason being that the 6 is both
INSPIRATIONAL and PRACTICAL at the same time. It is the number of the
MIND, and it is so great, that it can handle any other number. The third
best option is to use another number in the MIND position that is in
the same concourse as the birth path, ie. inspirational or practical.
the Kabalarian's do is that they just give every person the same 6
combination because that combination is found to be GENERALLY good for
all. Why do they do this? I think it is laziness partly and for another
subtler reason. Women are all given the following combinations, 336 or
696, men are given 628 or 696. Why? In the 1940's when the founder of
the Kabalarian system lived, woman were seen to be best with that 336
combination such as in the name AINSLEE, which would make a woman sunny
and docile for her husband, while the 628 combination would be best for
men, to make them stable and succeeding in business.
does not work for two reasons, firstly times have changed, we are not
living in the 1940's and the gender stereotypes which existed then do
not apply now. Secondly, it is considered very BAD in yantra yoga to
manipulate the system by giving a person a name combination despite
their birth path to try manipulate a personality based on some type of
erroneous notions of HOW a person should be.
In fact,
Swami did some research when he was younger and he analyzed the names of
patients in a psychiatric institution and he found a predominance of
6's. This is because the 6 is so great a number, yet when unbalanced, it
manifests as mental anxiety. So the 6 is not always good.
yoga takes a different approach, which basically leaves the wisdom to
NATURE or GOD. You were given a birth path, and we honor that as our
guiding light when constructing a name, and we do not try to manipulate a
person's name to some type of other ends. Then, the person can be free
to be him or her TRUE SELF. That is all we want. This is very profound
though. It does say in the bible, seek first the Kingdom of GOD and then
everything else will be given to you. SELF realization is the sole goal
of yantra yoga, then the highest good will follow from that
spontaneously. It is so spontaneous!
You can
trust the yantra yoga system, you will not go wrong with it, it has been
around for hundreds of years. We just need to keep the system pure and
not change it in any way.