Wednesday 6 May 2015

Taking on a new name- the journey

Taking on a new name is a journey!

At first when you start using your new name, you will feel quite a shift, as if you do not know who you are, and you have to get used a new identity! But the real changes only start to manifest themselves with time, there is no quick fix. Although very good results come very quickly for most, it is with time that the deeper changes occur.

I would say that that the journey all depends on how far one has traveled away from one's natural state. Growth takes time, that is nature's way and you cannot rush it.

If you were lucky and received a perfectly balanced yantra name from birth, that would be ideal, and you would evolve naturally fro birth. 

But if you only change your name later on in life, it is like adding a new branch to an already established tree and it will take time for the growth to manifest. 

So give yourselves time, be patient and persevere and with time you will see incredible positive changes!

Children change quickly but adults should give at least  3 months for the positive changes to manifest. 
  It takes 1 year to really see the main changes and then each year gets better and better!

See my advice section if you would like assistance with this here