Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Yantra Yoga

Yantra Yoga is the ancient science of analyzing names using mathematical principles to reveal the vibration contained in the name.

The ancients realized that the letters of the alphabet had a creative power, as they go up to make the language, which is the basis of intelligence. The ancients knew the power contained in words and names, based on the mathematical principle, and they were able to decipher the unique potential and purpose of each individual based on their birth date.

The birth date reveals your potential, purpose, strengths, likes, dislikes, expression, tendencies.

Your name reveals your personality, thought patterns

Your full name reveals your destiny.

The ancients were able to utilize the mathematical principle to give you a name which was completely harmonized to your inner potential as they knew that the name creates the personality and has a very great influence on you from the time you are born.

Yantra yoga reveals that there are two types of people in the world - inspirational or technical. It is a tragedy when you get a technical person using an inspirational name. This person will struggle as his inner nature is now out of harmony with his name.

It is also a tragedy when parents out of ignorance give their children names based solely on aesthetic reasons without knowing that the name has to be vibrationally suited to the unique nature of each child.