Monday 16 May 2016

Find balance with a new name using name numerology!

I searched and search for answers as to why I struggled to find balance in my life. I continually struggled with bouts of feeling shy or not wanting to socialize with others much. This along with a feeling of lack of fulfillment in general, as I always felt distant from others and not so connected. 

After years of trying many approaches, I came to the conclusion that one's name played a significant factor in one's life. After studying and reflecting on yantra yoga fr over 10 years, i came to an even greater understanding on the power of one's name. 

I learned Yantra yoga many years ago from Swami Harinanda and mastered the science of it, but it took disciplined study and refection for a long time and I got tremendous insight into the power of name numerology. These insights led to me starting this blog where I have shared many of these insights and understandings with you all. 

I realized that there is HOPE, we do not have to remain stuck in these unwanted patterns. 

I often wondered, why is it that some people,seem to be thriving and happy,. while others seem to really struggle?

I saw within myself and by observing those around me, that is was the name, every time, that explained their peculiar behavior. I even came to the starling conclusion based on my research, that the majority of people are not happy or achieving their full potential and this is sadly largely due to their name not being optimal for them. 

My teachers, Swami Harinanda used to say, this is what it means in the bible when it says, 'the sins of father and mother are passed down to the children'. What he meant, was that the parents ignorance of the science and application of yantra yoga caused them to give their children unbalanced names with disastrous consequences. 

I came to realize that the NAME is much more important than a mere representation of a person. The NAME is IDENTITY one forms in life. We know someone as their NAME, and a person knows himself as his NAME. The NAME makes a very deep impression upon the person's mind to such a degree that it actually is their MIND for all intents and purposes. That is why we say, that the first name of a person is their MIND and its EXPRESSIONS. This can be easily calculated by a yantra yogi. 

To summarize, the NAME is the IDENTITY formed, it is the actualization in FORM of the MIND. of the person, which gives shape and direction to the mind.  

But who is the person himself. That is calculated using his birth date which gives his birth path or SOUL number. The person's birth path indicates who is he MEANT to be in this lifetime. 

Swami used to say that your NAME tells us, who a person IS and your birth path tells us who a person SHOULD be. 

But the birth path is innate potential which is as yet actualized and it is the NAME which will bring this potential into form. Therefore what we want is to give a person a name totally harmonized to his birth path so that he or she can actualize their potential. 

Swami used to say this is like passing an electricity current through a wire. Only when the proper medium (the wire) is there can the electricity flow. There has to be a total alignment and then the light comes on, otherwise there is distortion. 

To summarize, we want to give a child or adult a name which is in total harmony with their inner self.  This inner and outer harmony will lead to effortless happiness ans fulfillment. Life becomes more easy. Not because challenges will disappear, but rather because we be TRUE to ourselves and this will inform all our decisions and we will be able to meet our challenges with equanimity and balance. 

This is why I am so passionate about helping people balance their name and I want to do my share to bring world peace, one person at a time.