Tuesday 3 May 2016

Kabalarians Exposed

The Kabalarians offer a watered down version of yantra yoga. 

The Kabalarians have some nice content on their website, where they also say that they will analyze your name and recommend a new name for you completely harmonized to your birth date. That is good. But then why do they not do this in actual practice?

In actual fact, all the Kabalarians do is give every man and woman exactly the same name combination. That's right. Every person gets exactly the same list of first and last names.

This completely ignores the fact that every person is an individual. In fact, in yantra yoga there are a total of 81 different name combinations based on the 81 different personality types.

That's 9 times 9 for the mathematicians out there.

That's because there are only 9 basic personalities, which can each express themselves in 9 unique ways, which totals 81.

I'm not going to go into detail here as to exactly why the Kabalarians give the same generic combination to every person, suffice to say, is that it all boils down to laziness.

See, yantra yoga is a science and an art.

It is scientific, in that the birthpath and names are mathematically calculated with precision, but it is an art, when it comes to name construction.

This is because the name needs to be balanced in terms of the first name and the full name. The art is to find a name which is perfect for each individual while taking into account their needs, as some people would like to retain their family name.

Is it possible? You bet.

But it takes a bit of time and work to achieve.

The Kabalarians prefer not to put in the effort needed but rather to just give a general name combination which works okay for most people.

The final truth is, that in yantra yoga, average is not best. We want to give a person a completely perfect and balanced name, that is completely aligned with their highest good.

The Kabalarians completely fail when it comes to this.

I could give you a Kabalarians name if you like.

But I don't recommend it. I would rather give you a properly balanced name according to yantra yoga.  

I can assist you if you would like me to analyze and change your name here.

I will do an introductory analysis of your name for FREE, there after if you would like to proceed with a name change, I request a small donation of $25 for my time and effort. 

I will analyze your birthdate and name for you and give you feedback as to the degree of balance/imbalance and whether a name change is recommended or not.