Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Politician numerology analysis: Barack Obama

This is the yantra yoga numerology analysis is of the politician Barack Obama


Name: Barack Hussein Obama II
Birth date: August 4th 1961

Yantra Yoga Analysis:

Birth path =2 +
First minor =8 +
Second minor = 4 +
Third minor =8 (current) +

First name- Barack = 

2 +
7 -
9 -

Full name: Barack Hussein Obama II =

9 -
1 -
3 -


Obama has the birth path of the 2 and currently going into an 8  minor. In terms of the natal chart, one can see that his minors are all practical ones, the 4 and 8 is in good harmony with his 2 birth path, indicating that he is not destined for conflicts but then we have to look at the name to see how that plays out. 

First of all, when compared to the two previous analyses i made on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, We can see straight away that this chart is much better overall in that Obama has been VERY lucky to have a first name that is almost in perfect harmony as his birth path. 

He has a 2 in the MIND position of his name which is exactly what he should have, so that his MIND is in perfect alignment with his birth path, we do not see this very often, and he is lucky to have been given this name which has obviously allowed him to excel and express his potential. 

The birth path is potential, while the name gives form to that potential. His name expression of the 9 is a not ideal, probably making him too idealistic, but overall, that 2 in the mind position out-ways that. 

His full name total on 913 is also not ideal as all these ODD numbers are out of alignment with his birth path of 2


Having a 2 in the name in perfect alignment with his birth path of the 2 is a great strength along with a natural balance between his minor periods and his birth path far outweighing the other negatives  found in the other numbers allowing him Obama to effortlessly express his purpose in life.