This is the yantra yoga numerology analysis is of the politician Hillary Clinton.
Name: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
Birth date: October 26th 1947
Yantra Yoga Analysis:
Birth path =3 +++
First minor =1 ++
Second minor =8 --
Third minor =3 (current) +++
First name- Hillary =
1 ++
3 +++
4 ---
Full name: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton =
2 --
1 --
3 +++
Hillary Clinton has the INSPIRATIONAL birth path of 3 and is currently expressing as a 3. This means that she SHOULD be very good at public speaking, be very artistic and expressive in all ways. The keynote is sociability and expression. These qualities are amplified as she is also expressing currently as a 3.
Her main natural strength is that her current minor period of thwe3 is in good harmony with her birth path of 3.
The 1 in MIND of her name is not too bad as it is also an INSPIRATIONAL number like her 3 birth path. It might make her a little too blunt or stubborn, but not too badly as there is a natural harmony between the 3 and the 1.
However the main problem lies with the 4 in her name expression. The 4 is just too limiting and prodding for her 3 nature. I would really blame that 4 for her limitations in expression as the 4 is a practical number and does not jibe at all with the 3.
Because of that 4 in the expression , it holds her back a bit, it hampers her expression quite a lot. Even if she had a 145 name it would have been been better, because that 4 is so limiting in her case.
He full name total of 213 is not too bad as art least the 3 in the destiny is in harmony with her birth path, it means she will have a very expressive and outgoing life.
Hillary Clinton has a good balance between her 3 birth path and her current minor period which will allow her to express her purpose. Her name holds her back a little as the 1234 name is naturally as the 4 does not jibe with the 1, which serves to hamper her communication.
She will have to really put a lot of effort into overcome this.