Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Lesson 2: Inspirational or practical concourse

It is essential to know that all number are divided onto two concourses as follows in yantra:

Inspirational   1   3   5   6   7   9

Practical        2   4   6   8

In general, the inspirational number in the top concourse harmonize well with each other, and in general the numbers in the bottom practical concourse harmonize well with each other.

The 6 in a pinch, can be both inspirational and practical, because it is the number of the mind.

You get two types of people, those that are inspirational and those that are practical.

Inspirational types of more inspirational, creative, spontaneous and intuitive in general.

Practical types are more practical, technical and conservative in general.

You also get two types of names, either inspirational or practical.Ideally a person should have a name that suits his or her nature.

What are you? inspirational or practical?