Friday 3 June 2016

Lesson 1: Learning the ALPHABET number designations

Yantra yoga numerology is based on the mathematical principle whereby the ALPHABET is revealed to be nothing more that an orderly pattern of symbol building blocks.

Any orderly pattern can be seen in a mathematical way,. For example, A is the first letter which is 1. B would be the second letter and is therefore 2. 

And thus, we can mathematically map the entire alphabet in this way to deduce the base numbers. 

the base numbers give you the base vibration of any letter in the alphabet. 

The way to understand this is that each letter is simply a  symbol occurring in an orderly pattern. Everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency which can be reduced to its base vibration, between 1 and 9.

Here is the chart below, It is recommended to memorize it so that you will automatically know that an S is a 1 or a W is a 5. 

1  2   3   4  5   6   7    8   9

A  B  C  D  E   F   G   H   I 

J  K   L  M  N   O   P   Q  R

S  T   U  V  W  X  Y    Z

It will take some time and practice to memorize this chart but it will be well worth it if you are an aspiring numerologist

In this way, you will be able to calculate easily the vibrations of anything named. 

This is the first lesson to be mastered and practiced.