It is of vital importance that when going into any new relationship, especially an intimate relationship that we know what we are getting into.
Often, the beginning stage of a relationship, known as the honeymoon stage, i very blissful, and we do not really see things clearly. We tend to only see the good aspects of our partner. And Usually our partner is being on their best behaviour! They are not revealing their true personalities yet at this stage. This stage last 6 months to 1 year.
Yantra yoga helps with this by offering a simple method to analyze your relationship compatibility. It will definitely help you and save you form a lot of heart ache and pain.
see the diagram below:
Water 1 5 7
Fire 2 4 8
Air 3 6 9
Step1: Calculate your relationship number by reducing your BIRTHDAY to a single digit
example: 25th june. You take 2 + 5 = 7. This person has a relationship number of 7 and she is a water person.
Step 2: Analyze and compare your relationship number to taht of the other person
Water people tend to be stoic and a bit self reliant and independent.
Fire people and fiery and strong willed
Air people are gentle and placid.
BEST: to be with someone in your own group. Ie a water person should be with a water person.
IF not in same group: Then understand that you and your partner have different communication methods. try and understand and appreciate your differences. Work with them rather that against them.