In Yantra yoga numerology, one has to be able to calculate the numbers through the method called reduction. Reduction is where we reduce every number found to its primary number which can be only 1 to 9.
A nifty calculating trick is to learn certain general rules when calculating as below:
When adding 9 to any number , simply ignore the 9 as it always cancels
itself out. For example, the year 1967, we just add together 1+6+7, we
just ignore or leave out the 9, because it always cancelled itself out.
When adding 9+5, simply ignore the 9, you are left with 5.
When adding an 8 to any number, simply subtract 1 from that number. For
example, when adding 8+7, simply minus 1 from 7 to get 6.
When adding 7 to any number, simply minus 2 from the other number. For
example, when adding 7+4, simply minus 2 from 4 to get 2.
4. When adding 6 +6, you always get a 3.
5. When adding 5+5, you always get 1
I hope you will find these nifty calculating tricks useful!
And you can use them a lot when doing your Yantra yoga numerology calculations in your head.