You do not need to memorize this, but it is well worth a bit of study to understand the harmony between different numbers and helps with analysis.
When we see for instance that a person has 5 birth path and is currently in a 2 minor or a 2 cycle. We consult the table of the law of harmony of numbers below and we see that the 5 is made up of 2 + 3. Therefore there can be harmony between the 5 and the 2.
1. 1
2. 1+1
3. 1+1+1 never 1+2 or
4. 2+2 never 1+3 or 3+1
5. 2+3 never 1+4 or 4+1
6. 2+2+2 never 1+5 or
3+2+1 or 2+4 or 4+2
7. 3+4 never 1+6 or
4+3 or 2+5
or 5+2
8. 4+4 never 1+7
or 7+1
2+6 or 6+2
3+5 or 5+3
9. 3+3+3 never 1+8 or
or 2+7
or 7+2
or 3+6
or 6+3
or 4+5
or 5+4