Thursday 12 May 2016

How a name gives you confidence

Everyone would like to feel confident. 

When your name is balanced. That is, harmonized perfectly to your inner nature, you will then feel totally at HOME with yourself, 

When you name is unbalanced, that is out of harmony with your inner nature, then you will feel much conflict within. 

This conflict is because there is now a discrepancy between your inner nature, (called the birth path in yantra yoga), and your name (which is how you identify yourself, the name is the MIND)

Some birth paths are PRACTICAL and some are INSPIRATIONAL. You can read another of my blog posts here on this topic. 

What happens when you have an inspirational birth path and a practical name? Well you can just imagine the conflict that turns up in such a mind. 

In actual fact, a practical birth path needs to have a practical name and an inspirational birth path needs to have an inspirational name. 

When your name is balanced for you as an individual, you will feel in balance and in harmony with within yourself. This is the foundation of natural confidence. 

There are some who have tried to manipulate the name using numerology to try and achieve certain ends, and have failed, because that would only lead to a superficial confidence, and this is nothing like the wonderful feeling that comes from a deep and abiding inner harmony within one's self. 

It is for this purpose that yantra yoga was created. To give every person a chance to be their TRUE self. 

The Yantric sages realized that the NAME exerted an influence on people's mind and behavior and sought to use this as a method to develop one's full potential. It has been called the Jet plane route to realization, because it works so fast. 

I am more than happy to help you ascertain whether your name is balanced or not according to yantra yoga and if you would like.