Tuesday, 16 April 2013

What's in a name?

A name is the unique part of language that is attached to you by your parents. With the study of the name numerology, you will be able to reduce any name to a mathematical formula based upon the letters in the name. This formula is the means through which qualities of intelligence are brought into form through the individual mind. 

Once you understand this formula, you understand the person’s overall pattern of thinking, including mental strengths and weaknesses. Because thinking greatly influences experiences, the formula of a name represents the mental direction, and therefore the overall destiny. 

The ramifications of the names we use affect every aspect of our lives: how happy we are, whom we attract as associates, whether we can create lasting success, and whether we add to life in a constructive way.

Why does name create mind? The simple answer is that it just does. You could ask why does gravity exist? It is a law of life that relates causative forces mathematically. 

To build a theoretical understanding to this relationship takes study. To initiate this process, consider an individual’s personality as the composite of numerous qualities of intelligence. These qualities express through our aptitudes, our interests, our behavior, and our approach to life. Some people are naturally detailed; others are disorganized. Some are promoters; others are teachers. Some are people-oriented; others are loners. Some are technical; others are inspirational. Some are happy and optimistic; others are satirically contemptuous of others. Some are reliable; others are indifferent. Some are intellectual; others live in their feelings. These thinking patterns are measurable, once you have the mathematical key. 

Thinking operates using language as its medium, and the intelligence to language is the sequential consistency of the alphabet. A is always in the first position, B is in the second position, C is in the third position and so forth. The language we attach to our own identity is our name, which can be reduced to a mathematical formula using the Mathematical Principle.